Monday, November 21, 2011

Being the proud owner of a brand new shiny black Vespa, I currently obsessed with all things scoot. So whilst being off school and recovering from an extremely dodgy fall on the said Vespa, and having the time for once, I thought I'd share a Vogue shoot that made me ridiculously happy. Shot in my favorite place, Brighton, the pictures capture a beautiful scooter sexy retro kind of vibe, which is a vibe that I must work on whilst riding. Please let me excuse myself for being such a bad blogger, recently I have been extremely busy with school stuff and life stuff and I seem to have forgotten about my wonderful readers. Lots of love xxx 

I recently posted about buying a head dress, for my birthday. As you may have gathered, I did not follow through with this and bought a cheap 2 feathered hairband from a fancy dress shop to go with my Red Indian outfit, for my 16th, the theme being 'When I grow up'. So, being graced with magicians, golfers, surgeons and rock stars, I can definitely say that I celebrated in style. And with my birthday present being a Vespa and an absolutely insane Fisheye Lomography camera (my new obsession) I was possibly the happiest person I know. During that week, my friends and I went to London, as part of our textiles course work to visit the Knitting and Stitching show, we're we became advertising ambassadors for Traid, whilst we recycled Tshirts to support recycling clothes and making them into new ones using all our skills. With Tshirt's slogans reading 'Son of a Gun' and 'Not for Sale', we jersey girls really made an impact.